2024 Endorsed Initiative Positions

Vote NO on I-2109 to Repeal the Capital Gains Tax 

The Capital Gains Tax is levied on fewer than 4000 wealthy people in this state. It helps to make our tax structure much fairer. Repealing it will cut more than $5 billion over 6 years from education, which will worsen childcare and school funding issues. It would also put more tax pressure on small businesses and middle and low income Washingtonians. 

See no2109.org for more information. 


Vote NO on I-2117 to Prohibit Carbon Tax Credit Trading/Repeal Climate Commitment Act 

This initiative would roll back protections for our air, water, forests, and farmlands. It would also punch a major hole in our state’s budget for financing transit services, ferries, and road projects. The Climate Commitment Act levies a fee on those causing pollution to clean up the environment. It’s repeal would shift the cost of doing this back onto all Washingtonians. 

See no2117.com for more information. 


Vote NO on I-2124 to Allow Opting Out of WA Cares Program 

While proponents of this initiative claim it is just about giving people a choice, if it passed it would take $8.1 billion from the long-term care benefits program forcing premium hikes which will bankrupt the program for everyone. It would leave most people at the mercy of for-profit insurance companies, while most of those with pre-existing conditions would end up with no coverage. 

See noon2124.org for more information